When do you need to consult a heart specialist

Heart diseases commonly affect people of old age or those who are born with it. The diseases which are present since birth are known as congenital defects. They not only stop our heart from working normally but also affect the working of the whole body. The main function of circulating blood is hampered. The signs and symptoms differ according to the body part. By diagnosing these symptoms, heart specialists in India treat the disease accordingly. Some of the common symptoms are mentioned below – In case of coronary artery disease, chest pain, also known as angina is the main symptom. Heart beat become faster and there is feeling of dizziness. If you are suffering from heart attack, then there will be discomfort and heaviness in the chest or below the breastbone. The heartbeats will be irregular. In case of arrhythmia, feeling of skipped heart beat in the chest is seen. There may be additional shortness of breath...