Where On the Face is Botox most effective?

"Where on the face is Botox most effective?" Oh boy, if you have been asking this question, you will have no answer. Every face is unique, the levels of the cheekbones, the curves of the lips, the hoods of the eyes, and the way one frowns and smiles, everything is unique, no wonder you couldn't find someone like the way you look in the mirror (except if you are twins). So, as simple as it could be, there is no universal answer to your question. Rather, I can help you with understanding how different parts of the face react to Botox and then, maybe you could opt for something (a special piece of advice, follow up with the recommendation of the dermatologist). This is no layman's work here, the best dermatologist hospital sends their insight! Forehead : During the young age, lines on the forehead don't seem like a problem, but the natural progression of age makes the lines on the forehead appear more apparent. At some point, individuals opt for Botox inject...