Evolution Of Cancer Treatment: Advent Of Cancer Robotic Surgeries

Cancer is a progressive disease that traces its roots back to the ancient Egyptian and Greek civilization and even before. Ever since then there has been a continuous urge to find new and better ways to counter the problem. Marked by the abnormal growth of malignant cells in the body that soon start to replace all the healthy tissues, cancer is the second most common cause of deaths in India. The advent of cancer robotic surgery in India has revolutionized the whole scenario and proved to be a boon for millions of patients. The procedure which is offered at all the leading hospitals is a result of years of studies and research that finally bore fruit in the year 2000 when da Vinci Surgery System became the first of its kinds to be approved by FDA for general laparoscopic surgery. Cancer specialists in Delhi have praised the procedure immensely owing to the added precision and accuracy. Initially, cancer was treated with radical surgical procedures and cautery that were ...