ICSI Infertility Treatment in India: Busting Some Common Myths

A ffecting nearly 14% of the couples in India, infertility is a problem that has prevailed since ages. Over the years there has been considerable development in the field of medicine & technology and this led to the advent of highly effective assisted reproductive techniques like in vitro fertilization (IVF). Over the years, ICSI has proved to be a boon for hundreds and thousands of couples. However, there are many more who can be benefitted by the procedure, provided we spread awareness and educate people about the benefits of the procedure and bust the various myths associated with it. Let’s start with understanding what ICSI actually means? Intracytoplasmic sperm injection or ICSI is the most popular in vitro fertilization technique in which the sperm is directly injected inside the cytoplasm of the ovum. The procedure is highly recommended to couples experiencing male fertility issues. Normally the sperm pierces through the wall of the cytoplasm and enters it, for the fer...