Joint replacement: Minimal Invasive surgery Vs Traditional surgery

The growing number of joint related problems is a major concern in today's world. The problem is very common in middle-aged and old-aged people and is usually caused by excess physical activities, injuries suffered in an accident, sprain or strain. In such cases the joints are at a risk of getting damaged. Joint problems can be very painful and cause swelling and stiffness. The pain becomes so unbearable at times that the patient is not even able to move. Joint problems if left untreated can become fatal and the patients may even lose their ability to walk or become dependent upon crutches or wheelchairs for performing a day to day activities.However with the advancement in technology and use of new and improvised equipments and techniques, joint disabilities can be cured by a joint replacement surgery. The leading Orthopaedics hospital in India specializes in the treatment of musculo-skeletal system disorders which includes joint replacement and reconstruction. The...