How to Take Care of a Child After Open-Heart Surgery?

Post-surgery care during hospital stays:

Post-surgery care is quintessential for your child’s well-being. Even if your child has had a successful operation, and doctors claim that he is healthy, still you should be prepared to take intensive care. After surgery, your child will look pale and feeble. They will feel groggy as the anaesthesia subsides. Your child will be shifted to the cardiac critical care unit after surgery. For monitoring their condition, doctors might observe them for a few days,  and your child will be attached to a few machines for constant observation of pulse rate, and so.

Obtain a detailed explanation of the condition of your child such as- recovery time, dos’ and dont’s, to keep you aware of what your child may need. It is important to remember that your child may not feel at ease, therefore, it’s imperative to reassure your child by talking to them, cheering them to eat as they might not feel like eating and most importantly, motivating him to stay active for the time period as suggested by doctors. Your doctor may even ask for undertaking a few physiotherapies sessions for better recovery of your child.

Intensive-care after discharge:
Once your child gets back home, he will require immense support from your end to recover soon. Initially, he may feel discomfort due to the effects of being in the hospital. According to paediatrics hospital in Delhi, children recover in a week or so and can get back to their normal routine in a month or two. You must take extra care and prepare him as the child may seek attention after the surgery and hospital stay.
Before discharge, you must learn everything about what your child may require, such as-
    What to do when the child is suffering from pain?
    What to expect in a week?
    The time required for recovery?
    Schedule for re-visits?
    Whom to contact in case of emergency?
    What activities your child can do?
    How to make your child stay active?
These are some of the questions that you should ask a consulting doctor before discharge.

Going back to school after heart surgery:

It is vital that your child’s teacher is well aware of the entire hospital scenario, and the specific surgery undertaken by the child. So that they can also monitor your child and heavy activities are avoided. After 15 days, your child will be fit to go to school. It may happen that your child won’t be able to sit for a full day, so it is advised to initiate schooling by going for half a day. However, it depends on the parents as well as a child when he should get back to school, given his position. Surgeons performing paediatric surgery in Delhi, often recommends getting back to school after consulting first.

Besides, sports activities should be resumed only after asking the cardiologist to avoid complications. Attending half a day or full-time schooling can lead to fatigue as well. Hence,  remember that you have to play a greater role in supporting your child at least for a couple of months.

When your child has recovered from heart surgery, the  following measures should be taken:

The surgeons performing  paediatric cardiac surgery highlights that after your child has undergone open-heart surgery, you should not skip single follow-up session as it reveals the present condition of your child, and helps in avoiding any further complications. The intensity of care depends on the condition of your child. Moreover, the doctors engaged in performing the child heart surgery remarks that even if the surgery is successful, it’s important to note that the heart can alter over time. Thus, follow-up sessions can give an in-depth analysis of a heart condition.

Besides, explain to your child about how he can take care of himself when you are not around. A balanced, and nutrient-rich diet along with staying active as much as possible can greatly speed up the recovery. Additionally, smoking, drugs, alcohol, and exposure to an must be avoided as much as possible. In case your child is undergoing any other treatment, tell your doctor in advance, in case of medicines need to be continued or not.


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