Liver Transplant: Getting ready for donating your liver

Liver Transplant in India

Liver transplant is a medical procedure that involves the surgical replacement of a damaged or diseased liver with a healthy lobe taken from a suitable donor. The fact that liver has regenerative properties makes it possible for a living person to donate a portion of his/her liver. But this does not mean that every person is eligible to donate. It is pertinent to understand that the surgery is as intensive liver transplant and you have to prepare for it just like the recipient. Health assessment and screening are a must and these are offered at all the best liver hospitals in Delhi. The donor’s health evaluation is one of the major factors that have to be taken into consideration to make sure that the surgery does not pose any potential complications. In this blog, we are going to talk about the various things that are to be taken care of by the donor before the transplant.

  • Evaluation of overall health: Complete health evaluation is a must to make sure that the donor does not have any existing medical condition or ailment that can give rise to complications during or after the surgery. This includes a series of tests and screening as well as a physical check-up. Some common tests recommended by the doctors include blood test, urine test, PAP smear for women, mammogram for female donors above 40 years of age, colonoscopy for people above 50 years of age, Echocardiogram and X-Rays.
  • Medication and supplements: Medication and supplements are one of the most important things that are to be taken care of as there are some medicines that can interfere with the surgery and hinder the normal blood clotting process. For instance, the donor will be asked not to take any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for at least a week prior to the surgery. Even if you are planning to take acetaminophen for pain, consult your doctor before doing so. Doctors specialising in liver transplant in India suggest that female donors should avoid taking birth control pills for at least a month prior to the surgery. It is better to avoid Herbs vitamins and supplements or consult your doctor before taking any of these.
  • Lifestyle modifications: The donor is required to give up on all the unhealthy lifestyle practices and resort to healthy choices, be it in terms of meals or activities. It is very important to eat right as being underweight or overweight can impact your eligibility for the donation. Include protein-rich foods in your diet to help your body build more muscles and cut down on your salt intake. Avoid drinking alcohol, smoking or using any other recreational drug. Stay active and refrain from a stagnant lifestyle. Try to lose those extra pounds to make sure that your weight does not stop you from saving someone's life.
  • Talk to your doctor: Donating your liver is a big decision and if you are planning to do it is important to be prepared both physically as well as mentally. No doubt the liver cells will regenerate themselves and the liver will grow back to its original form but this may take some time, maybe a few months. You have to be prepared for what follows after the surgery. You will be required to take certain medications on daily basis and even might be required to inculcate some changes in your lifestyle. One of the best ways to cope up with these changes is by talking to your doctor about the procedure. Understand each and every aspect of the surgery so that you enter the surgical room with a clear mind.


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