Try These Yoga Poses to Keep Your Joint Problems at Bay


People who suffer from arthritis, or any other joint problem, are recommended to indulge in physical activities on a daily basis so as to maintain flexibility and muscle tone as well as to keep their weight under check. Joint problems can affect people of all age groups and the activity level for each varies. While it can be slightly confusing to decide which activities are good for you and which are not, the best doctors in India suggest that yoga is something that can benefit people of all age groups.

Yoga is an umbrella term used for a wide spectrum of exercises that focus on your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Research has shown that yoga can effectively help to curb various joint-related problems as well as strengthen your body to deal with the same. As your age advances, you become more vulnerable to joint-related problems. A stagnant lifestyle and weak bone structure also add to these problems. While medicines can give you temporary relief from the pain, alternative treatments like yoga can help to eliminate the pain altogether. Even doctors from the leading orthopaedic treatment hospital in India recommend yoga to their patients.

5 simple yet effective yoga poses:

If your joint problems are limiting your daily activities and preventing you from enjoying your life to the fullest, you should definitely try these yoga poses:

·       Veerbhadrasana - Also known as the Warrior pose, it is extremely good for strengthening your knees. People undergoing knee replacement in India are often recommended to try this pose. It is quite effective in treating frozen Shoulders as well. It helps to release stress from the joints and improve your body's balance. Veerbhadrasana is also known to increase the strength of the quads, glutes, shoulders, ankles and spine.

·     Dhanurasana - Also referred to as Bow pose, it helps to stretch your spine and shoulders in the right way. This not only helps to relieve pain but also increases muscle strength. Dhanurasana is very good for increasing the flexibility of your back and relieving unnecessary strain and stress.

·    Setu Bandhasana - Commonly referred to as the Bridge pose, it is highly recommended to patients suffering from osteoporosis, which is the condition marked by loss of bone density. Setu Bandhasana helps to calm down and relax your body. The pose is also helpful in strengthening knee joints.

·      Trikonasana - Also known as the Triangle pose, it helps to relieve strain from your hamstrings, groin area and hips, and stretch them. This is quite effective in treating problems like sciatica and back pain. Trikonasana is also good for your lower limbs, especially knees and ankles.

·      Ustrasana - Commonly known as the Camel pose, Ustrasana can help to treat back and shoulder pain. The pose is known to enhance spine flexibility as well as improve posture.

While some people believe that yoga is quite gentle and may not have any significant physical benefits, it is important to understand that unlike other regress exercises, yoga is less stressful on the joints. Practising it daily can help to enhance muscle strength and improve joint flexibility. It is one of the best and the easiest ways to stay fit naturally. There are hundreds of different poses that you can choose from.

It is better to avoid poses that involve the bending of your joints more than 90 degrees. Some poses like Kundalini and Ananda can be difficult for people suffering from arthritis as these involve lengthy meditation sessions. Though yoga is very beneficial, it is highly recommended to avoid poses that hurt. It is important to be well aware of all the poses that you are performing and how they are going to affect you. You can always take help from a specialist for any kind of guidance and assistance.



  1. orthopedic issues become common after you attain the 50 years of age. Your bone densite starts declining and the worst part is that you stop enjoying the tasks that you may have enjoyed earlier.


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